Sunday, March 13, 2011

splashing around in the muck and the mire

I don't know if I've been running marathons in my sleep or what, but recently my muscles and I have not been on the best of terms. My first attempt at pacifying them was massage therapy, but as that did not yield immediate results I was forced to seek treatment elsewhere. I was at Save-On today and thought, "Oh! Bath stuff!" because I think that sometimes there are powders or salts you can stick in the bath that fix muscles? I don't know. I went to the bath section and there were these little packets of stuff, most of them lavender for relaxation. I would like to have boughten all the lavender packets, tossed them in a giant pile, and BURNED THEM TO HELL, but I didn't want to give any money to the lavender industry. So I ended up with this packet of random tree parts that claimed to relieve muscles.

When I opened up the packet and dumped it into my bath, I laughed out loud. It was bright green. Shamrock green. Nuclear sludge green. It was fantastic. I had visions of showing up at work tomorrow with green skin, temporarily dyed by my bizarre bath. At the very least I should emerge with relaxed muscles and new super-powers.

It's a bit hard to be chill in the bath when you're surrounded by green water, so I spent most of the time playing and seeing if it would dye my towels, and what would happen if I mixed it with my blue shampoo, and that sort of thing. Thus far I haven't exhibited any newfound talents or abilities, but perhaps it's a delayed reaction?

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