Saturday, March 5, 2011

like almost nothing in the world

The sun came out today. I love all types of weather, especially extreme weather: I danced in the wind and hail all the way to Tim Horton's with my grade sevens yesterday. However, sometimes it's just nice to see the sun. I went for a walk beside the ocean and it seemed like everything was basking - there were these birds sitting on a rock with their wings open, like they were going to take off, but they stayed that way for a really long time. Either taking a really long time to psych themselves up for flying, or airing out the armpits, or warming the feathers in the unexpected sun. I wore several layers for my walk, but shed most of the outer ones as I went because not only was it sunny, it was a tiny bit warm. Do you remember what warm feels like? I had almost forgotten that you can be outside and be warm at the same time.

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