Friday, August 13, 2010

just burying my luck

Planning, talking about, buying for, packing for, and renting an apartment are all in one category. Actually living by oneself, on an island, away from people who know me is a completely different category. I don't think I can actually conceive of how difficult it's going to be for me, at least for the first while. Nobody understands why my move is in two phases, but I'm glad I did it this way. My brain can slowly wrap itself around the concept of moving away. "Why is there no stuff in my room?" "Oh right, it's because all my stuff is in my OTHER room, five hours away. Where I live. By myself."

One time I got a bloody nose while playing tag on Friday the 13th. This other time I broke my ankle most severely on Thursday the 12th, then had reconstructive surgery on Friday the 13th, but I think it all went okay. The elevators in the hospital broke down, but that may have been on the 14th. Probably unrelated.

Possibly related: this morning I woke up on the irritated side of the bed. My hair is bugging me, the taste in my throat from my eye drops is bugging me, my stupid eyeballs are bugging me, my pants are bugging me, my half-empty room is bugging me, consistently typing = instead of - is bugging me.

I think I want to go through every single blog entry and uncapitalize all my titles, but I'm not sure I'll ever have the time. Also, I don't think it's important enough for all the effort it's going to take.

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