Wednesday, August 3, 2011

will you please start talking

I'm thinking about becoming passionate about something so that I can hold conversations with people! These are some of the possibilities:

- caffeinated beverages
- pros and cons of different types of cheese
- cold-weather sports
- things that buzz
- historical inaccuracies in movies
- homophones
- validity of certain dictionary words
- old railroads
- underappreciated playground structures

I am also open to suggestions.


  1. I would go with caffeinated beverages... they are a favourite of mine! :)

  2. I wasn't aware there were any cons to cheese! I think cheese in general is a great thing to be passionate about. And railroads are cool too.

  3. hahahahahahahahaha Laura you crack me up!! I like validity of certain dictionary words, especially while playing scrabble...

    I have been reading your blog for a little while and am so amused by it. I also think you are SUCH a great writer!! :)

    - Shannon
