Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shadow Walks Faster Than You

Lately I've been feeling really discouraged about my job situation. I had an interview for a high school position at a private school about a month ago, and I found out recently I did not get it. (Probably due to my stammer in response to questions like "Do you believe Adam and Eve were actual historical figures?" What's the intelligent thing to say when you have LITERALLY NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE. And what does that have to do with teaching.) Many friends on facebook update statuses regularly with teaching jobs they've gotten or are dreading or are thankful to have, and sometimes it hurts my heart.

However, randomly in Randomville I received two random phone calls. (If you say that word enough times, it stops sounding like a real word. I guess that is true of all words. Like fork, and your own name.) First, a private elementary school would like me to be a TOC in a grade two classroom two Mondays from now (Holy Call In Advance, Batman), and the principal of a school I applied to in Campbell River called to see if I was still interested in a job there. I immediately accepted the TOC gig, thankful for my Sylvan experience with tiny children, and now am pondering the thought of moving to Campbell River for year to teach math. (I say again: MATH.) The principal called to see if I was still interested (yes) and if I would be vehemently opposed to being a math teacher (... no. After some consideration.) and will call again in a few weeks with more details.

I've become accustomed to "I'll call in a few weeks" meaning "I'll let you know as soon as we agree you are not needed here," so I'm trying not to be too optimistic. Plus, moving to Campbell River? Logically, there is no point in thinking about it until I hear back from the principal. (Logically, logically. Not one of my many virtues.) So until then... I will be excited for grade two!


  1. Oooh. yeah for calling ahead. And if you moved to Campbell River, puppy and I would come visit. And we would eat copious amounts of french toast.

  2. Campbell River? Math? Now that would be an interesting experience!
