Sunday, May 2, 2010

Shrunk, Stretched, Scratched and Stuffed into a Teapot

Reasons Why I Dislike 3D:

1. It's more expensive in the theatre.

2. The glasses look stupid, especially on top of my already glasses.

3. It takes like half an hour to get used to how things look, so I miss the beginning of the movie figuring out how to see.

4. I expect parts of the movie to come jumping out at my face, but they do not.

5. Once you finally get used to it, it looks no different than regular movie, because of Reason 4.

6. It's stupid.

Those are my thoughts. I just (finally) saw Alice in Wonderland (in 3D), which I loved, except for stupid 3D part. My dad said they are coming out with 3D televisions, which worries me, due to my disdain for 3D. I wish they would stop making new stuff like that. I like my old stuff. I don't want to have to rebuild my DVD collection with stupid 3D DVDs. Nevertheless, I pocketed my 3D glasses instead of putting them in the receptacle outside the theatre.

I have an insect bite on the back of my knee. Hopefully it doesn't grow to consume my leg from thigh to ankle, like it did that one other time.


  1. i agree with your hatred for 3D. Why can't life just be simple again?

  2. I hate 3D movies, too! I feel really tense the whole time because I am afraid things are going to jump out at me. I like to relax when I watch a movie!!
