Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wait by the Window

I saw this yesterday and my heart nearly burst from joy. The poster of it has been added to the list of Things I Will Buy When I Win The Lottery Or Get A Full Time Job.

I'm waiting for a package again. I should probably stop ordering things from the internet, since it takes FOREVER to get stuff. Alternately, I could spend the waiting time building a teleportation device, either to bring the item to myself, or to get and retrieve it. Teleportation is one of the future technologies I am most excited about, except that it would ruin singing in the car. Sometimes, nothing beats singing in the car.

Holy crap THUNDER! Thunder just happened just now! And now some hail. Excuse me while I go stand outside in my bare feet with a mug to catch hail. (I feel badly for loving something that my dog hates so much, but THUNDER! And HAIL! Unexpected weather! Best day ever. Plus I think I just made a rhyme.)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the semicolon link; I wasn't aware that semicolons could be so entertaining.
    You could still sing in the shower.
    and yay for unexpected weather! Now it's blue skies and sunny!
