Sunday, April 10, 2011

early morning rain

I don't spend enough time in devotions, because I have a really short attention span and am good at filling up my time with other stuff. (See also: good at making excuses.) Today in church I decided that I should put some worship songs on my ipod for the early morning walks with Charlie - the ones where my brain is a fog of 'Is this real life,' 'Ugh why is it so dark,' and 'What am I doing moving this early in the morning.' Instead, I could be listening to worship songs! I thought of this while we were singing "It is Well," which I never realized I loved until now. Unfortunately, then I thought of this comic I saw earlier, and started laughing at an inappropriate time.

Now I am trying to compile a list of songs that are appropriate for early in the morning, and I would like your input. What are the best worship songs that will keep me awake and also help me to think about God instead of sleep?


  1. shane & shane aren't your typical worship songs, but I really like that many of their songs are actually scripture put to a tune - its a good way to renew your mind, meditate on the scripture and memorize Biblical truth. :)

  2. I love "This is our God" and "Beautiful Exchange". Both are by Hillsongs. Hmm... who else. I also enjoy Chris Tomlin, Jesus Culture, Tim Hughes and Kari Jobe.
