Sunday, April 17, 2011


I dislike closing salutations. Almost every time I end an email or a phone call or a letter, the agony over what would be appropriate or suitable consumes me. At school in emails to parents, whether or not it has anything to do with supporting me, my closing line is "Thanks for your support." If I ask a question and need an answer, I usually say "Thanks" in expectation of a favourable outcome. But what about when you ask a favour and are not sure what the person is going to say? Or what if it's a composition to a family member or acquaintance who you're not REALLY close to? In those cases "Thanks" doesn't really seem adequate. Sometimes I resort to "Have a good [insert general time of day]," but even that seems to cold and distant for most correspondence. I wish we could go back to "Regards," or "Sincerely," without it seeming like we meant to be ironic, and coming across like a pretentious doof.

1 comment:

  1. bahaha - I totally use "Regards" on work emails ...guess that makes me a pretentious doof (which is ok, Daniel tells me I come off as pretentious ALL the time!

    ...and I totally know what you mean re: closing statements - I usually just say "Thanks" after deleting and retyping it thirty times over. le sigh
