Monday, July 5, 2010

Haunted by the Ghost of Satisfaction

I wish I was more creative. I am insanely, ridiculously, frog-green with envy over people who can draw or paint, and I believe I would give up any one of my few talents if it meant I could draw or paint. I started reading a blog by this lady who paints really neat stuff, and basically I wish I could assume her identity. I know there's that whole thing about loving yourself and your own talents, and everybody's good at something, and blah blah blah, but presently I am displeased with my skills and covet more interesting ones. Once upon a time I used to write stories, but somewhere back in the mists of time I feel that's been zapped away from me, and I'm hesitant to try again. However, on that lady's blog she talked about a 30 days of creativity challenge, and I'm going to give it a shot. Now all I need to do is legitimately do this thing in 30 days, not save up ideas for two months and then do it. I think that's cheating.

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