Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Person Fumbling Here is Me

The first song on my "Move to Campbell River" playlist is going to be "Dreams" by the Cranberries. (I'd link to it, but you wouldn't click it.) I heard it on the radio today, and it's so cheesy and situation-appropriate, so I think it would be wonderful to hear as I pull out of my driveway on the way to my new life (for one year). Also, it's good because I will forever remember it as the song I listened to while pulling out of my driveway on the way to my new life, which I think will be a little sad, and I have impeccable music-memory (meaning that songs always, ALWAYS remind me of the situations in which I heard them), and I don't want to ruin a song I love. I mean, it's a good song, but I'll be content to barely hear it again after it plays its dramatic role in my life.

Today was busy. I've turned nocturnal suddenly, so I sleep in, which wastes half the day. Then I decided to call the doctor, because of an eye-makeup-remover incident which fused my eyes shut. Then I had breakfast. Then I went to the doctor, and a lady gave me her parking slip so I got free parking! Then it turns out I have an eye infection. (Oh, and also allergies. All of a sudden.) I find this funny, because usually I don't remove my eye makeup; I just let it hang around until it feels like it's time to wear away. And while I've heard this is bad for eyes, it has never led to an actual eye infection, but when I decide to be proactive and remove my eye makeup, I get an EYE INFECTION.

I also got a new battery for my mom's old watch, so I wear a watch again. I stopped in 2006 when I went to Peru, and people don't care about time there, so I left my watch behind and just never put it back on. But as I am now going to be a real teacher, I figure that I should have a watch. I haven't looked at it once yet today - I think that will take some getting used to.